Drawing the Invisible

On the 12th March 2020 the Norwegian Government introduced measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Suddenly everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, had to stay home in what was a country-wide effort to contain the spread of the virus. Life as we knew it changed abruptly. One month has gone by and most schools are still empty and silent. Children’s everyday takes place at home, together with their parents, brothers, sisters, pets and teddy bears. The computer screen is the new classroom, grandparent’s house and cinema. The children have to adapt to their new daily routine, and absorb the new reality which they are now a part of. There are many families in Oslo which choose to have a daily walk in the park. This is a project about children in a world changed by the COVID-19.


Emil (6): – I think it is scary that the coronavirus is in Norway because I don’t want grandma to die.

Eva (4): – I don’t know what the coronavirus is, and I don’t think it is scary that so many people talk about it.

Terkel (9): – I think the coronavirus is a type of influensa, but just a Little, Little bit more dangerous. Maybe 2 percent more dangerous.

Elliot (8): - I Drew the coronavirus with mouth and teeth because the virus is mean and dangerous. I don’t know why it is mean and dangerous, but I know that it comes from bats in China.

Laika (“6 and 3/4”): – I Think the coronavirus is scary because I don’t want to die and infect others.

Alfred (“5 and a half”): – It is fine for most adults, but old people can’t handle it.

Magnus (7): – I think it is boring because I can’t be with my friends, and I miss going to school.

Eva (10): – My school is closed, so I have to stay home. It is a bit boring because I don’t have people to play with. And I can’t play with my Friends either.


The Fire Chasers